NHLN Opinion+: Borja Alvarez de Toledo

Description of the video:  

Welcome to NHLN Opinion+, our weekly program that is dedicated to discussing the concerns and opinions of New Hampshire’s Latino community!

This week we spoke with President and CEO of Waypoint Borja Alvarez de Toledo on the pandemic’s impacts on the organization’s operations and its new Family Support Warm Line. 

Borja Alvarez de Toledo explained that the organization will very likely continue a combination of in-person and remote operations beyond the pandemic, as it has increased accessibility among residents to their services. He said that access to technology was an obstacle at first, which led Waypoint to provide wifi access and devices to local runaway and homeless youths, along with laptops to their staff to ensure dependable online connection. 

Resources mentioned in the video:

Read all about Waypoint’s policy work here: https://waypointnh.org/programs/policy-highlights

(Photo cover credit: Manchesterinklink.com)

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