NHLN Opinion+: Maria Devlin and Stephanie Savard

Hugo Balta

Welcome to this week’s episode of NHLN Opinion+, our weekly program dedicated to discussing the concerns and opinions of New Hampshire’s Latino community! 

This week we spoke with Maria Devlin, President and CEO of Families in Transition- New Horizons. Maria was appointed in June of 2020 and has over 30 years of experience working with non-profit organizations. We also spoke with Chief External Relations Officer, Stephanie Savard.

During the interview, we touched on the organization’s current and upcoming services, its holistic approach to homelessness, how it has adapted to serve unhoused people amid the pandemic and addressing the importance of intersectionality within their community. 

Mrs. Devlin said during the interview that at FIT-NH “we have the expertise and the skills to take somebody who is perhaps living in their car or other places that are uninhabitable for humans to be sleeping and bring them through a variety of stages of recovery from homelessness.” This could be something like bringing adults to shelters and setting them up for success in permanent housing by ensuring that they are able to stay there throughout their journey. 

Resources mentioned in the video:

High Needs List: https://www.fitnh.org/high-needs/

FIT-NH Volunteer Page: https://www.fitnh.org/volunteer/be-a-volunteer/

State of Homelessness in NH 2020 Annual Report

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