Description of the video:
Welcome to the eighth episode of NHLN Opinion+, our new weekly program that is dedicated to discussing the concerns and opinions of New Hampshire’s Latino community!
This week we spoke with the Director of the Division of Emergency Service and Communication Mark Doyle about the pandemic’s impacts on the Division’s operations, the recent uptick in suicide-related 9-1-1 calls, and technology advancements within their work.
In this episode, Director Doyle goes over a unique protocol, created by the Emergency Medical Dispatch team, that telecommunicators have used since March to remotely screen callers for COVID-19 related symptoms. He emphasized the importance of this information as it can prepare local first responders who will respond to that location to administer help, along with other people around that individual.
Resources mentioned in the video:
- Learn more about the pandemic’s impact on emergency agency departments’ public safety answering points (a center for certain 9-1-1 calls) here:
- View suicide-related resources at New Hampshire’s National Alliance on Mental Illness at:
- For general pandemic-related information, check out the official NH government website: or New Hampshire’s 2-1-1 website:
- Check out NENA for technological advancements within the industry: