NHLN Opinion +: Denis Goulet

Hugo Balta

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Welcome to NHLN Opinion+, our new weekly program that is dedicated to discussing the concerns and opinions of New Hampshire’s Latino community!

This week we spoke to Denis Goulet, Chief Information Officer and Commissioner of the New Hampshire Department of Information Technology. Our interview focuses on residents’ accessibility to digital government resources and cybersecurity during the pandemic. 

Recent studies by the Pew Research Center and SOMOS have found that only 57% of Hispanic adults reported owning a computer or laptop and almost 40% of U.S. Latino households did not have broadband internet access. Commissioner Goulet said the Department continually works to ensure they meet accessibility standards, which includes being able to access online services from a variety of devices and regardless of broadband internet connection. He added that there is strong evidence showing that people are increasingly accessing digital government resources from their mobile devices rather than computers and laptops. 

During Commissioner Goulet’s time, cybersecurity has been a priority in the Department of Information Technology. He explained how cyber attacks usually increase during an election year and that the pandemic has contributed to this rise in harmful cyber activity. The Department will remain focused on cybersecurity throughout, and after, 2020.

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